Fred Knapp
Senior Reporter/Producer
Fred Knapp has reported on Nebraska for more than 30 years, covering the Legislature, state government and a wide range of stories across the state – first as a newspaper reporter for The Lincoln Journal Star and, since 2001, in public broadcasting for what’s now Nebraska Public Media. A native of New Jersey (Exit 143A), Fred is a graduate of Yale, Columbia and several STOP classes. In his spare time, he enjoys taking road trips and lots of pictures.
Recent News Stories
- Filibuster stops "clean slate" for tenants in Legislature
- Proposal aimed at helping tenants slowed by filibuster
- Senators advance tightened regs on land purchases near missile silos
- Pillen vetoes needle exchange; override attempt planned
- Committee advances bill allowing armed school staff
- Tax debate highlights generational divide, relevance questions
- Tougher penalties for driving violations discussed; inheritance tax debated
- Legislature moves to restore oversight; idea to help veterans charged with crimes heard
- Abortion exceptions considered; fentanyl penalties advanced
- Bill for more childcare advances; drug penalty increases debated
- Inheritance tax debated; faster hearings on 911 outages considered
- Bill to help hospitals advances
- Aid for low-income pregnant women moves; oversight deal reached
- Senators consider railroad safety, broadband expansion
- Pillen to accept summer food program; senators mull "mega-sites"
- Hiking sales tax to lower property tax meets opposition
- Bill making counties offer assessed value for property heard
- Allowing schools to arm teachers draws mixed reaction
- Legislature rejects year-round daylight saving or standard time
- Train crew requirements fall short; eminent domain bill heard
- Tax changes resisted; train crew requirements slowed
- Property tax levy cuts heard; train crew minimum size debated
- Yearlong Daylight Saving or Standard Time? Debate continues...
- Partisan power elections, nonpartisan needles bill advance
- Senators debate switching to year-round daylight saving time