Nebraska's Capitol Masterpiece
Air Date: 06/07/2013
It's a Capitol like no other.
Nebraska's Capitol is a national historic landmark; a masterpiece of art and architecture, and the spirit of everything Nebraskan. Nebraska's Capitol Masterpiece explores the enduring nature of Nebraska's statehouse and how its visionary design portrays Nebraska's people, its history and democracy. The program examines how the Capitol was envisioned by a renowned creative team - architect Bertram Goodhue, sculptor Lee Lawrie, muralist Hildreth Meiere, and University of Nebraska philosopher Hartley Burr Alexander. The inspiration behind the building's architectural sculpture, sage inscriptions and majestic mosaics make the statehouse Nebraska's Capitol Masterpiece.
Nebraska's Capitol Masterpiece Gallery
Throughout the year, students from across Nebraska tour the Capitol, including the Rotunda.
Architect Bertram Goodhue created the visionary design for Nebraska's towering Capitol Building. Courtesy of the Nebraska Capitol Commission Collection.
This is the architectural drawing by Bertram Goodhue that won the nationwide architectural competition in 1920. Courtesy of the Nebraska Capitol Commission Collection.
Detail of Bertram Goodhue's tower design from his conceptual architectural drawing of the Capitol for the nationwide architectural competition. Courtesy of hte Nebraska Capitol Commission Colection.
Initial architectural drawing of the East and West Chambers by Bertram Goodhue and Associates. The design of the West Chamber changed to meet the needs of the Unicameral. Courtesy of the Nebraska Capitol Commission Collection.
Lee Lawrie was the architectural sculptor for the Capitol. He worked with Goodhue on scores of building designs across the U.S. He's best known for the massive sculpture of The Sower atop the Capitol, as well as carvings of lawgivers on the building's exterior
Sculptor Lee Lawrie stands at the base of a plaster scale model of The Sower, surrounded by his team of maste sculptors. Courtesy of Jean Ely and the Lawrie family.
The Sower, designed by sculptor Lee Lawrie.
Bison bas-relief sculpture by Lee Lawrie.
Sculptor Lee Lawrie incorporated imagery of agricultural life throughout the Capitol, including this image of corn in the Governor's Reception area.
Mosaic artist Hildreth Meiere designed all the mosaics for the Nebraska State Capitol. Courtesy of Louise Meire Dunn.
"Genius of Creative Energy" was designed by mosaic muralist Hildreth Meiere. It is located in the Foyer of the Capitol. Courtesy of Louise Meiere Dunn and Hildreth Meiere Dunn.
Rotunda mosaics designed by Hildreth Meiere. Courtesy of Nebraska Capitol Commission Collections.
The Rotunda dome portrays the "Virtues," designed by mosaic muralist Hildreth Meiere.
Sen. Jim Smith advocates for tax cuts in the Legislature.
"Buffalo Hunt" is one of four depictions of Native American life that adorns the dome of the East Chamber. It was designed by Hildreth Meiere
Hildreth Meiere's daughter, Louise Meiere Dunn (right) and her daughter, Hildreth "Hilly" Meiere Dunn (left), visit the Capitol. It was the first time that Louise had seen her mother's mosaic designs.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln philosophy professor Hartley Burr Alexander created themes and inscriptions for the Capitol. Courtesy of Scripps College.
Inscription from the north entrance of the Capitol. All inscriptions were created by UNL philosophy professor Hartley Burr Alexander.
The Nebraska State Capitol (Archive Photo)
UNL philosopher Hartley Burr Alexander drafted detailed notes and drawings of thematic plans for the Capitol. This drawing portrays the intended design for the Rotunda. Courtesy of the Nebraska Capitol Commission and Scripps College.