Living with Hearing Loss

Air Date: 02/05/2013

There are over 34 million Americans who live with hearing loss. Only 1 out of 5 people who could benefit from the use of hearing aids uses them. Families, co-workers, employers, and others that people with hearing loss encounter every day are also impacted to varying degrees. The scope of the problem is growing as Baby Boomers age, and as younger people increasingly use mobile devices and listen to music and video through ear buds.

Through story segments and studio panel discussions, viewers will learn about: various types of hearing loss and deafness; coping strategies for people with hearing loss and their families; and the growing array of technology and assistive devices that are helping to erase the stigma and lower barriers associated with Living With Hearing Loss.

Living With Hearing Loss is presented through a partnership with the Nebraska Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Program production credits:  Executive Producer, Perry Stoner; Producer/Writer/Editor, Penny Costello, Videography, John Beck & Dan Smith; Audio, Jim Lenertz & Emily Kreutz, Post Production Editor, John Beck; Graphics, Kristi Koser; Interactive Media Producer, Scott Leigh, Transcription, Pat Richmond & Jan Howard; Captioning, Quiness Brackeen & Verle Finke.

Sign language interpreters for this program include Margie Propp, Sharon Sinkler, and Ben Sparks.

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