History Moments Unicameral

History Moments

Air Date: 04/01/2018

Today, Nebraska is the only state with a unicameral legislature, but it wasn't always that way. Early in the country's history Pennsylvania, Georgia and Vermont had unicameral governments, but by 1836 they had all dissolved. Nebraska had a two house legislature until 1937 when George Norris, a "new deal" Republican, convinced voters that the 2-house system was outdated, inefficient and unnecessary. The idea was originally spearheaded by John Norton, a Polk County farmer and politician in 1915. The same year Nebraska's unicameral began operating, attempts for unicamerals in 21 other states failed. Nebraska's unicameral, also known as the legislature, is the only state legislature that is elected on a non-partisan ballot. At 49 members, it's the smallest legislature of any U.S. state.