Extra: Paddywhack and Rally for the Arts on March 13th
Friday LIVE
Air Date: 03/08/2018
Lincoln Irish music group Paddywhack has some new members, and plenty of performances in March. Longtime member Terry Keefe, and one of the new members, Jennifer Duerr, tell us about the changes and the gigs. And, on March 13th there is a "Rally for the Arts" in Nebraska. The Midwest Theater, West Nebraska Arts Center, and Theatre West in Scotttsbluff are joining together to present “A Night Out for the Arts,” featuring a piano performance by Lincoln’s Symphony Orchestra’s principal keyboard player Richard Fountain. Fountain tells us about his part in the event. Doug Zyblut with Nebraskans for the Arts, and UNL student Skyler Dykes talk about the event on the same day at UNL.