Beatrice Comm. Players,Yoshimoto, Healing the Divide, & more!
Friday LIVE
Air Date: 05/17/2019
On the May 17th Friday LIVE from The Mill in Lincoln’s Haymarket District, host Genevieve Randall and guests have lively conversations about: Beatrice Community Players next production (01:25); Jave Yoshimoto’s newest exhibition (06:56); “Healing The Divide” event at Indigo Bridge Books (16:16); Stuhr Museum’s summer exhibition (22:52); Tada Theatre’s “Leading Ladies” and “Fun Home (29:59);” Susan Wood’s exhibition (41:54); the Lincoln Choral Artists performance (51:04); and, Cather Foundation Spring Conference in Red Cloud (55:20). Also, Corbin Hirschhorn of KNVO tells us about the “Sensory” exhibit in Omaha (46:59).