Voting rights for Nebraskans with felony convictions remain uncertain
By Kassidy Arena , Senior Reporter Nebraska Public Media News
Aug. 16, 2024, noon ·

Voting rights for Nebraskans with felony convictions are still up in the air for the November election following the state Supreme Court’s decision to hear a case on the constitutionality of recent decisions.
Secretary of State Bob Evnen has requested an agenda item be removed from Tuesday’s Nebraska Board of Pardons meeting that would have considered restoring voting rights to individuals who registered to vote under a law that allowed registration two years after completing a felony sentence.
According to the Secretary of State’s Office, the decision was made following the Nebraska Supreme Court’s decision to hear a case that challenges the constitutionality of Evnen’s decision. He had instructed election officials to stop registering people with felony convictions.
Evnen’s decision came on the heels of an opinion from the Nebraska Attorney General. Oral arguments for the Nebraska Supreme Court case are set to begin on Wednesday, Aug. 28.