State Senator Lindstrom Latest to Join 2022 Nebraska Governor's Race
By Jack Williams, Managing Editor and Reporter Nebraska Public Media News
July 15, 2021, 4:30 p.m. ·

Another Republican has announced he’s running for Nebraska Governor next year. State Senator Brett Lindstrom joins two others in the race to replace Governor Pete Ricketts, who is term-limited after next year. Lindstrom has served in the state legislature since 2014 and represents parts of northwest Omaha. Thursday, he said keeping Nebraska competitive in a global economy will be his first priority as governor.
“We weathered the COVID storm relatively well as a state and we’re always looking for the short-term, but intermediate and long-term and I think Nebraska being competitive is fundamentally where I believe Nebraska wants to go and needs to go,” Lindstrom said. “We’re in such a global economy now and Nebraska has a lot of good things to add to that.”
Lindstrom, 40, is a former Husker football walk-on quarterback. He joins Jim Pillen and Charles Herbster as GOP candidates for governor. Lindstrom starts at ten-stop tour of the state Friday in Lincoln.