Senators to Begin Constructing New Districts

Sept. 13, 2021, midnight ·

Nebraska Capitol Dome encased in scaffolding
With Nebraska's Capitol dome encased in scaffolding for repairs, senators will be constructing new political districts in the legislative chamber far below (Photo by Fred Knapp, NET News)

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The Nebraska Legislature begins the job of redistricting Monday in what is expected to be a contentious special session.

The task of lawmakers meeting in this special session is limited: they’re supposed to redraw district lines to reflect shifts in the state’s population over the last 10 years, and make it so the districts contain close to the same number of people. They’re supposed to do this for the State Board of Education, University of Nebraska Board of Regents, Public Service Commission, Nebraska Supreme Court, the Legislature, and Congress. Those last two are expected to generate the most controversy. Already competing plans have been proposed by Republicans and Democrats in the officially nonpartisan Legislature. Those plans will be discussed at public hearings in Grand Island Tuesday, Lincoln Wednesday, and Omaha Thursday. Then they’ll be debated by the full Legislature. And while no compromise is yet in sight, lawmakers are supposed to wrap up their work by the end of the month.

To see the Redistricting Committee’s website where maps will be posted, click here.