Secretary of State provides update on medical marijuana, Support or Schools petitions

Aug. 30, 2024, 2 p.m. ·

Nebraska Medical Marijuana Advocates at State Capitol
Sen. Anna Wishart speaks at a medical marijuana rally at the state capitol. (Photo courtesy of Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana)

Three petitions organizers hope will make it onto the November ballot are nearing the end of the verification process, according to a press release from the Secretary of State’s Office.

The three remaining petitions include the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Patient Protection initiative, Nebraska Medical Cannabis Regulation initiative and the Private Education Scholarship partial referendum.

While not yet certified, the three initiative and referendum petitions have met the 100% signature threshold required for verification and certification, and are expected to qualify for the general election ballot once verification and certification has been completed.

“Our office is providing this update to keep voters informed of where county election offices are in the signature verification process,” Secretary of State Bob Evnen said in the press release. “Election workers are checking every voter’s signature on the remaining petitions, and we will have petitions verified before the September 13 deadline to certify the November ballot.”

Initiative petitions seeking to enact new laws need to collect valid signatures from at least 7% of registered voters in Nebraska and from at least 5% of registered voters in 38 counties.

The Nebraska Medical Cannabis Patient Protect initiative petition has collected 89,051 valid signatures and has met the 5% distribution requirement in at least 51 counties,

The Nebraska Medical Cannabis Regulation initiative petition has collected 89,005 valid signatures and has met the 5% distribution requirement in at least 51 counties.

Referendum petitions seeking to repeal a new law, such as the Private Education Scholarship partial referendum, need to collect valid signatures from at least 5% of registered voters in Nebraska and valid signatures from at least 5% of registered voters in 38 counties.

The Private Education Scholarship partial referendum has collected 62,042 valid signatures and has met the 5% distribution requirement in at least 57 counties.

The Nebraska Secretary of State’s office must certify the November general election ballot by Sept. 13.