Peru Analyzing Solutions for Flood Damage
By Allison Mollenkamp, NET News
Nov. 18, 2019, 4:05 p.m. ·

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More than eight months after flooding began in eastern Nebraska, the city of Peru is still partly under water.
Peru still has flood waters over roads and fields. This is partly due to a levee break that has not yet been repaired.
The Army Corps of Engineers says the levee is no longer active in the program that governs flood repair for non-federal flood control projects.
Julie Slama is state senator for District 1, where Peru is located. She says the Corps says it cannot repair the levee.
“Obviously the city of Peru disputes that and we’re working with our federal delegation right now to see what other options we have in securing federal funding or even going above the Corps of Engineers’ heads to get this levee repaired,” Slama said.
Flood waters may freeze in place before river levels decrease. The Corps will be doing bank repairs and is releasing less water from Gavin’s Point, which will help to decrease flood levels in Peru.
Peru is also dealing with damage to its water treatment plant, which is still surrounded by flood waters.
Renee Critser is Emergency Manager for Nemaha County. She says planning has to go through FEMA.
“I know it has been submitted to FEMA, to decide, or let them decide, with the way they figure out their cost benefit analysis, to see whether it would be better to replace it, repair it, or what their position is," Critser said. I know they have not gotten an answer back yet.”
Peru is also considering joining the local rural water district or building a pipeline to the water treatment facility in Auburn.