Pansing Brooks tells VP Harris Abortion Fight Continues in Nebraska
By Fred Knapp , Senior Reporter/Producer Nebraska Public Media
July 8, 2022, midnight ·
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Nebraska State Senator Patty Pansing Brooks told Vice President Kamala Harris Friday that the fight to protect abortion rights will continue in Nebraska.
Pansing Brooks was among five lawmakers from various states, including Indiana, Florida, South Dakota and Montana, in addition to Nebraska – invited to Washington Friday to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris. In what Harris described as a discussion on abortion, the Vice President made an opening statement, then listened as the lawmakers described the situation in their states. When it was her turn to speak, Pansing Brooks’ described how supporters of abortion rights had prevented the state from passing a trigger law that would have banned abortion last session, and would continue to fight.
“As we look forward and ahead to a potential session – I’m not looking forward to it – as we look ahead to special session for the Nebraska Unicameral, the fight to protect reproductive rights will continue with passion and determination. We all know that banning abortions does not prevent them, it only makes them unsafe and dangerous,” Pansing Brooks said.
Nebraska has not yet scheduled a special session. Gov. Pete Ricketts has said he’ll work with Speaker Mike Hilgers to determine how to proceed. Hilgers could not be reached Friday. Ricketts spokeswoman Alex Reuss said the governor continues to work with Hilgers and legislative leaders to determine what can be done.