Over One-Third of Douglas County Voters Expected to Vote In Gubernatorial Primary Tuesday
By Aaron Bonderson , Reporter/Producer Nebraska Public Media
May 6, 2022, 11:22 a.m. ·
The Douglas County Election Commissioner's office expects one of its highest voter turnouts in primary history for Tuesday’s Republican gubernatorial faceoff. The office anticipates 35 percent of all registered voters in Nebraska’s largest county to cast a ballot. Election Commissioner Brian Kruse said the high expectation stems from the 85,000 early voter ballots his office sent.
“That number tells us that there's an interest in this election in Douglas County," Kruse said, "and we know we're going to obviously have voters on election day, so election day voters combined with this - that's how we got the number.”
Kruse said 57 percent of those mail-in ballots have been received.
He said the next highest turnout in recent memory would be the 2006 Republican primaries. That race pitted Tom Osbourne against Dave Heineman where 27 percent of voters cast a ballot.
Be sure to double check your polling place. Kruse said 40 percent of voters in Douglas County have a new location this year from redistricting. For more information, visit https://www.votedouglascounty.com/.