Nebraska Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Need More Masks

Sept. 9, 2020, 2:35 p.m. ·

Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash

The Nebraska Health Care Association is calling on Nebraskans to donate more cloth masks for their nursing home and assisted living facility frontline workers and residents, as some prepare to loosen visitor restrictions.

Last April, the association sent out a plea for 5,000 masks and at the time believed they only needed to get by for a few months. Since then, they’ve received more than 7,400 masks, but as the pandemic has persisted, they need more.

Heath Boddy, president and CEO of the Nebraska Health Care Association said it’s another opportunity for Nebraskans to step up and care for their community.

“I'd encourage all of Nebraska, all the communities, to take some time to sew up extra cloth masks so that they can be used to help protect those most vulnerable in our state," Boddy said. "It's what we've always done as Nebraskans, and we're asking it to do it again."

Packaged masks can be mailed or dropped off at the Nebraska Health Care Association’s office in Lincoln.