Nebraska Economic Growth Rate Expected to Slow Down in Upcoming Months

Aug. 23, 2018, 1:55 a.m. ·

The state’s fast-paced economic growth rate is expected to slow down in the coming months. That’s according to a recent study on economic indicators by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Experts still predict economic growth to occur, however the pace will decelerate to a more moderate-to-slow pace of growth. So far in 2018, Nebraska’s economic growth has been at a very high rate. Experts say that pace is difficult to maintain where the population is growing less than the national average.

Director of the Bureau of Business Research at UNL, Eric Thompson, says the deceleration is nothing to fear, but definitely something to acknowledge.

“Now I want to emphasize that we continue to believe the economy will grow in Nebraska. But currently the economy is growing quite rapidly, and we’re expecting the rate of growth to slow significantly. Really be more, slow to moderate by the end of this year or the first month of next year,” Thompson said.

Thompson says the two primary factors in slowing the economic expansion are the increasing value of the U.S. dollar and a decrease in housing and construction activity.