LPS To Rename District Building To Honor Retiring Superintendent

June 15, 2022, 9 a.m. ·

Steve Joel LPS
Retiring Superintendent Steve Joel is greeted by family and friends at Tuesday night's LPS Board meeting, after learning the district will rename its building in his honor / Photo courtesy LPS

At the Lincoln Board of Education meeting Tuesday evening, the board planning committee made a surprise recommendation to honor retiring Superintendent Steve Joel. It recommended renaming the District office building after the superintendent.

He is retiring after 12 years in the job. His family was at the meeting as part of the surprise for the Superintendent.

Board members spoke in praise of Joel.

“Dr. Joel served as an extraordinary superintendent during undoubtedly extraordinary times," said Board Planning Committee Chair Bob Rauner. "A fire completely destroyed the District Office at the end of his first year as Superintendent. He is closing out his career after facing a global pandemic. There is so much amazing work that occurred during his 12 years of service. Under Dr. Joel’s leadership, the district passed two bond issues, adopted a major technology initiative, advanced the district work on equity and the list goes on.”

All the board members expressed support for the proposal, which should get final approval at the June 28thboard meeting, the last one Joel will attend as superintendent.

Last month, Nebraska Public Media News host and reporter William Padmore sat down and talked to Joel about his long career in Nebraska education. You can listen to that interview by clicking here.