Lincoln Expecting Bike Trail Additions, Upgrades in the Future

Jan. 3, 2022, 4 p.m. ·

Man rides his bike on an unpaved trail through the woods with green trees surrounding him.
Standing Bear, Jensen, Arnold Heights, Roper East and Holmes, Oak and Bowling Lakes are among the parks that could add a singletrack bike trail in Lincoln. (Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash)

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Nebraska’s capital city is in the process of planning new bike trails. The city is considering new trails at seven parks in Lincoln that could receive a singletrack – or a narrow unpaved bike trail.

To determine which locations work best, the city will meet with cyclists to seek input.

“I’m excited to see more trails and more options for people, especially if they can get something on the outskirts of town," Lincoln cyclist Lorenz Taylor said. "I live in west Lincoln, so, if they can get something out there, I’d be super excited about that even more, instead of having to pack my bike up and go to the center part of town or the south side of town to hit a trail head.”

Lincoln has only two singletracks on the south side of town. The city will discuss logistics for implementing more unpaved tracks throughout the year. Lincoln is applying for grants to update or add paved bike trails as well.