Creighton Professor: Pandemic Presents Opportunity for Career Reflection
By Allison Mollenkamp, NET News
June 18, 2020, 4:30 p.m. ·

The global pandemic can be a time for people to think about whether or not they’re happy in their career and what could come next, according to a Creighton university professor.
Dr. Gail Jensen is dean of Creighton University’s graduate school and college of professional studies. She says in times of economic recession people often choose to go to graduate school. Prior to the pandemic, Jensen says, low unemployment meant fewer people were going to graduate school.
Jensen said people should reflect on how meaningful they find their work and how even one class could help them build their skills.
"Part of, I think, maintaining our wellness and wellbeing is: education and learning is not a terminal event, it’s an ongoing life-giving thing," Jensen said. "And so I think there are opportunities for people who are in those positions to look for where are the areas where they have interest and connection and want to engage, and there are various ways to engage, whether it’s taking one course or looking at a certificate or thinking about a degree program."
Jensen encouraged focusing on skills like working with teams, solving problems, and leadership.