Fred Knapp
Senior Reporter/Producer
Fred Knapp has reported on Nebraska for more than 30 years, covering the Legislature, state government and a wide range of stories across the state – first as a newspaper reporter for The Lincoln Journal Star and, since 2001, in public broadcasting for what’s now Nebraska Public Media. A native of New Jersey (Exit 143A), Fred is a graduate of Yale, Columbia and several STOP classes. In his spare time, he enjoys taking road trips and lots of pictures.
Recent News Stories
- Fortenberry: Iraq must protect minorities
- Bruning: killer found, 6 wrongly convicted
- Number of illegal aliens deported increases
- Swapping ammunition for computer data
- Terry beats Esch; Electoral College race close
- Both parties claim progress in Legislature
- Omaha -area electoral vote could still flip
- October Nebraska business conditions were the worst in 14 years
- Council, Womack Trying to Succeed Ernie Chambers in North Omaha
- Ballot Measure Would Add Funding Sources for Economic Development
- Voter registration down in Nebraska compared to 2004
- Nebraskans to be asked views on energy
- Focus is on Terry - Esch rematch in Omaha
- Hillary Clinton stumps for Obama in Omaha
- Nebraska state senators agree to put age limit on safe haven law
- Terry, Esch differ on foreign policy
- Ads downplay financial crisis
- County jail projects affected by credit crunch
- New book recounts Native-White relations in northwest Nebraska
- Michigan teen dropped off under Nebraska safe haven law
- Nader calls for toughening bailout
- Health care fixes subject of forum
- Kerrey, Hagel: Paulson should remain
- Report alleges Law College discrimination
- Palin's Nebraska visit creates political partisan discourse