Fred Knapp
Senior Reporter/Producer
Fred Knapp has reported on Nebraska for more than 30 years, covering the Legislature, state government and a wide range of stories across the state – first as a newspaper reporter for The Lincoln Journal Star and, since 2001, in public broadcasting for what’s now Nebraska Public Media. A native of New Jersey (Exit 143A), Fred is a graduate of Yale, Columbia and several STOP classes. In his spare time, he enjoys taking road trips and lots of pictures.
Recent News Stories
- Task force tries to protect Nebraska bases
- State ready with roads projects if stimulus passes
- Nebraska split raises Electoral College questions
- Report: Keep Beatrice State Developmental Center
- Ashford: consider making employers use E-verify
- Hagel offers thoughts on farewell
- Hagel "inclined" to support automakers loan
- Tax receipts suggest Nebraska economy still "an island"
- Fate of Cozad plant still questionable
- Nebraska Medical Association urges insurance mandate
- Nelson: Better to help automakers than allow bankruptcy
- Nebraska Supreme Court marks centennial
- Losing candidate in legislative recount is considering a challenge
- Children in crisis task force meets
- Bruning expects appeal of decision against Carter Lake casino
- Fewer holiday travelers predicted, despite falling gas prices
- Food stamp use up nationwide, fairly level in Nebraska
- Buyout could affect Nebraska ethanol plants
- Speed limit could rise on some state highways
- 30 day limit for safe haven approved
- Legislature sets safe haven time window to 30 days
- Safe haven special session hears differing opinions
- Special session on shaping safe haven law begins
- One legislative race appears resolved, another looks like a recount
- State says 18-year-old not a safe haven case