Fred Knapp
Senior Reporter/Producer
Fred Knapp has reported on Nebraska for more than 30 years, covering the Legislature, state government and a wide range of stories across the state – first as a newspaper reporter for The Lincoln Journal Star and, since 2001, in public broadcasting for what’s now Nebraska Public Media. A native of New Jersey (Exit 143A), Fred is a graduate of Yale, Columbia and several STOP classes. In his spare time, he enjoys taking road trips and lots of pictures.
Recent News Stories
- Cooper Nuclear Station shut down for repairs
- Safe Haven hotline advances
- Proposals on ultrasounds before abortion heard
- Narrowing of death penalty considered
- U.S. Senator Mike Johanns recovers from surgery
- Wrongly imprisoned compensation proposal continues to tie up Legislature
- Reimbursing the Wrongfully Imprisoned
- Immigration compromise reached
- State economic forecasters cut revenue estimates by $362 million
- Appropriations committee announces preliminary budget
- Immigration bill advances in legislature
- Illegal immigrant tuition debated again
- Alcohol in parks proposal meets opposition in hearing
- Immigration bill heads for the Legislature
- Bill aimed at preventing pet abuse fails
- Legislature has lengthy debate on county road animal trapping
- Two proposals in the legislature feature crackdowns on illegal immigrants
- Slots-at-tracks proposal faces uncertain odds
- State closes Sherman, Howard County Banks
- Net state tax receipts were 23 million dollars less than projected
- Nelson discusses his role in stimulus compromise
- Cities could use sales taxes to back bond issues without a vote of the people
- Landry departs office
- Beatrice State Developmental Center stops treating residents with complex medical needs
- Kearney agriculture conference welcomes attendees