Fred Knapp
Senior Reporter/Producer
Fred Knapp has reported on Nebraska for more than 30 years, covering the Legislature, state government and a wide range of stories across the state – first as a newspaper reporter for The Lincoln Journal Star and, since 2001, in public broadcasting for what’s now Nebraska Public Media. A native of New Jersey (Exit 143A), Fred is a graduate of Yale, Columbia and several STOP classes. In his spare time, he enjoys taking road trips and lots of pictures.
Recent News Stories
- Group urges easing Nebraska's fireworks law
- Johanns' impression of Sotomayor
- State seeks more road money; acknowledges local delays
- Report stresses health care needs
- Nebraska hospitals: recession hurts them, too
- Demonstrators in Lincoln urge democracy in Iran
- Nebraska Supreme Court denies Poindexter new trial
- Johanns opposes ethanol land use calculation
- Perlman proposes UNL cuts
- Speaker: U.S., Mexico "co-dependent"
- State acts on college savings plans
- Heineman discounts need for budget-cutting session
- Johanns warns on health care plan
- Tax receipts exceed projections for first time in three months
- Nelson impressed by meeting with Sotomayor
- Racing to continue in Lincoln
- Milliken unveils NU budget proposal
- Nebraska term limits
- 2009 legislative session ends
- Legislature overrides Heineman veto
- Lethal injection executions authorized
- Tax breaks for wind energy, not health clinics
- Lethal injection bill moves within one vote of final passage
- Stimulus money going to Harlan County Lake
- Court okays "ruse" drug checkpoints